Club stuff
On this page we try to give you all the information you need to know to get the most of your membership
from Kintbury Tennis Club. You can find out the latest news from the club, get answers to questions, and check
out the rules of tennis. You can also visit the password protected section to book courts, check match details
, and contact other members. If there is anything missing from this page that you would like us to cover,
please tell the chairman (contact details via committee page).
Pages accessible to all
MATCHES - see our fixture list for this season. If you need to contact the captain, log-in via the members' only sectionWHEN CAN I PLAY? - find out when the courts are in use, and when they are free
TEAM/CLUB NEWS - what's been happening at KTC?
HONOURS - see how our teams have fared in the league in recent years.
UPCOMING EVENTS - what's coming up, and dates for your diary
CONSTITUTION - what happens to your membership fee and other important stuff
CLUB RULES - what does the club expect of you?
YOUR COMMITTEE - who runs the club on your behalf, and how YOU can get involved
SAFEGUARDING - see our policy on child protection, and the standards we work to
RULES OF THE GAME - visit the ITF website to read the rules of the game, and stop yourself footfaulting!
Members only
In the members only section you will be able to,* find out the code to open the locks on our gates
* check when your next match is due
* book a court for your own play
* check out our club competition
* contact other members (it's all done without disclosing anyone's details.)
Go to log-in page.